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   Social networking is a familiar term that most people know and participate with as 21st century communication tools.  Companies such as Facebook and Twitter are known not only in the United States but are considered widespread throughout the world.  This form of communication is unique and being utilized in many professional as well as educational venues to accommodate the social networking forum.

   Since social media is accessed by many, there is added concern about the retrieval and access to private content.  The  job interview process along with personal references, may also entail one’s potential employer searching the internet for digital footprints.  Even more concerning is the safety of children as they enter into the digital world.  Through social networks minors are exposed to bullying, sexual content, violence, and crime.  Parents must have a watchful eye on the safety of their children.

    As we globally trailblaze through the digital world of social media communication, one must be cautious and informed as to how their digital footprint will affect them in the future.  Parents must oversee their children's internet actions with vigilance while minors are enjoying social media applications.  Through various monitoring devices and digital media education sound digital social networking practices should enable general protection of privacy in the social media realm.


Image courtesy of Marketing_Square_2011: INTERNET PRIVACY: WHAT IS THIS UNKNOWN?. (n.d.). Marketing_Square_2011. Retrieved October 8, 2013, from

"Although Facebook was not the first social media platform it is without a doubt the most prevalent in our society today. Facebook was launched in February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg to connect people."  Laura Bevis

"Facebook usage, at varying levels of privacy control, presents social, professional, and child safety risks which can result in severe consequences. Socially, in our attempt to feel connected and accepted, we have shown a rise in the amount of friends we accept whether we know them or not."  Alison Pumma

"What safety measures should parents take to safeguard their teen’s online experience? A big first step is education - knowing what resources are available and how to use them."  Steve Grand Pré

Image courtesy of The negative impact of social networking sites | Addiction Blog. (n.d.). Internet | Addiction Blog. Retrieved October 8, 2013, from

Image courtesy of Social Media: Your 21st Century Branding Partner | Entrepreneur Academy. (n.d.). Wadhwani Foundation Entrepreneur Academy . Retrieved October 8, 2013, from

Social Media in the 21st Century

Digital Privacy




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